Businesses Selling Addiction For Profit While We Shelter In Place

Enough is Enough!

I just saw a TV commercial saying the “Coors Brewing Company” wants to send free beer to America. On it was a woman in her late 60’s locked in her house peeking through her window holding a Coors beer can and a sign that said, “I need more beer.”

That’s right, let’s turn more people into alcoholics and really cause more damage! The elderly have enough problems already, do they really need to drink all day long so they can fall down, break a hip, or actually die?

Don’t the politicians and corporations like Coors Beer realize there is a major drug and alcohol issue in this country?

By keeping us locked up just increases the potential for abuse of both alcohol and drugs! Domestic violence is up 70% and what, no one thinks drugs and alcohol are involved? What about the people in recovery who are fighting for their lives to stay clean and sober and now watch a F’d up commercial like this and think, you know what, screw it, I’m just gonna drink or use a little. We all know it doesn’t work that way, relapse kills. I see it every day. Shame on the Coors Brewing Company for putting this commercial on television. Maybe they ought to spend a day in my shoes and deal with the people they turned either back into practicing alcoholics or created new ones, both young and old!

All addiction issues have now been put on the back burner because of Covid-19 and I guarantee we will see an enormous amount of relapse and increases in drug and alcohol use. We don’t need the help of the Coors Brewing Company or doctors prescribing more narcotic anxiety medications to get America through this crisis.

Enough is enough!!!
