Individual & Family Consultation

We offer consultations for individuals and families to address the following issues: addict behaviors, identifiers, resources, services, treatment, legal advice, and initiating interventions, sober plans and drug testing. When you don't know what to do, we are the first call.


Family Support Group Meetings

Wednesday Nights 6:30pm - 8:30pm
PAIN Offices
83 E. Shaw Ave. Suite 100
Fresno, CA 93710

Please join us and our community for these FREE meetings in helping others through these difficult challenges. If you can't make it to our in-person Family Support Group Meetings, you can now join us on Zoom. Every Wednesday at 6:30 pm PST, Flindt Andersen provides support and advice to families affected by substance abuse. Serving Fresno since 2009.

Click the link in the bio for the group meeting or the link below and enter the password to join:

Password: painmeet


School Services


Students learn about the real-life experiences and detrimental long-term effects of drug abuse. Flindt Andersen reveals details about his 20 year battle with addiction that hurt his family, friends, and nearly cost him his life. He opens the floor to questions and gives students an opportunity to voice their concerns about the presence of drug use in their school. We provide follow-up support to victims and families in need of services.

Parent Groups / SART / PTA

Learn about today's most prevalent drug issues in schools. Parents are provided with a look at how young children can become at-risk for drug use and dependence. We share information with parents on topics such as peer pressure, media influence, and how to keep their kids safe along with taking preventative measures in the home and at school.

Faculty Awareness Training

Get your faculty and staff together for the betterment of your school. Learn about the most relevant drug issues affecting students today. In this exciting training session, you will hear about signs and symptoms, substances, and hiding places involved with both street and prescription drug use. Save lives and get educated!

Peer Counseling

Our staff speaks to peer counseling groups, teaching them the signs and symptoms of prescription and street drug abuse. In the classroom, a more in-depth study is provided about the causes of substance abuse. Students are instructed on how to help fellow classmates get on the path to recovery. We listen to student opinions on drug use issues at their school, and offer advice on how to combat these issues. We supply basic PAIN materials so Peer Counselors can provide them to struggling or at-risk students.

Drug Abuse & Health 101

Flindt Andersen gives lessons on the physiological and psychological effects of abuse of prescription medications as well as the harmful effects that illegal drugs have on the human body. Students will learn about drug effects on the major body systems such respiratory, nervous, digestive, and circulatory.


HR, Corporate & Safety Meetings

We provide ongoing corporate safety training meetings concerning drug and alcohol abuse and how it can effect safe work practices and mental health.


Network of Partners

Our foundation uses an extensive network of partners, for individuals to get the best care possible. Connect with us to learn more.